Indefinite Hiatus

You may have guessed already, judging by the fact there’s been no sign of updating this blog for over a month, that we’re indeed on an indefinite hiatus.

“Life Intervenes” is the phrase we often use to explain such extended absences, and this time around, well, it intervened and then some, and it’s not done yet.

While we are in such extended absences, we often ponder the future of this blog, which we’ve been doing now for 6 1/2 years.

We’ll talk about that pondering at some point in the future, but one option (solely to save time and effort) we’re considering is returning to our ever-expanding social media presence and basing our efforts there, using the blog only to share long-form writings that won’t fit in 140 or 420 characters.

Relax, if you’re one of those “I don’t do Twitter or Facebook” types…our pages are accessible to non-subscribers to both services, as they always have been.

For example, accessing our Twitter page ( does not require either log-in or sign-up, and can be read with any web browser.

That decision is not going to happen right away.

Life Continues To Intervene, and frankly, this blog is roughly prioirity #506 in the life of your Primary Editorial Voice(tm).

But we have had some very kind readers ask us where we went…and now, you know.

We don’t know when we’ll return to whatever level of activity we will undergo here, but keep watching…